
Complete your Catboy Collection!

We are excited to announce a special bonus for those who have collected and completed our collectors book!

If you have collected all the NFTs neccesary in the book you can claim your premium NFT!

BONUS 1: The kingdom of Haru NFT

The king of catboy. He ruled from his throne.

Under Haru's rule, catboy land thrived. The economy was strong, the people were happy, and the land was peaceful. But there were always those who envied Haru's power and sought to take it for themselves. Will there be a battle to fight and protect his land?

  • Collection row: Founders Edition

    Multiplier of x15 staking rewards

BONUS 2: Mythical Waifu Iris NFT

Iris is a mythical girl with extraordinary psychedelic powers that roamed the land. She was born with her powers, and her purple-aqua skin was a reflection of the magic that flowed through her veins.

  • Collection row: Slayer Edition

    Multiplier of x10 staking rewards

Bonus NFTs are ONLY available by collecting all the NFTs in the collectors book.

Last updated