I can't unstake NFTs - error

When I click 'unstake', an error message come up saying: 'Buy more Catboy' this means you need to hold $Catboy tokens in your wallet to enjoy and claim your rewards.

Is Catboy Renounced?

No, Catboy project stands firm in its commitment to accountability, adaptability, and community-driven growth. Unlike some projects that choose to renounce ownership, we believe that maintaining ownership is crucial for ensuring the long-term success and integrity of our platform.

Renouncing ownership can lead to governance issues, decreased accountability, and potential exploitation by malicious actors. By retaining ownership, we uphold our responsibility to our community, ensuring transparency, responsiveness, and ongoing development.

We understand the importance of evolving with the rapidly changing cryptocurrency landscape and remain dedicated to adapting to market dynamics and user feedback. Our continued ownership allows us to steer the project's direction, implement necessary changes, and uphold our credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of our community and potential investors.

At Catboy, we're committed to building a project that not only thrives in the present but also lays a solid foundation for future success. That's why we choose to retain ownership – because we believe in the power of accountability, transparency, and community-driven innovation.

Why no Token burn?

Burning tokens may seem like a quick solution, but as a long-term project, we prioritize strategic allocation over short-term fixes. Preserving our token supply is crucial for future growth and development, especially with utilities like token staking, NFT staking, and exchanges requiring tokens. Let's think long-term and preserve our resources wisely! People often see projects that don't burn their tokens as "scams". Well, let's educate that that's absolutely not the case.We have a limited supply of only 100m on each chain. Preserving our tokens isn't about scamming; it's about ensuring long-term sustainability and strategic planning. With such a constrained supply, every token counts for our future projects and ecosystem growth. Let's debunk the myth and prioritize smart token management!

Why is ETH not listed on exchange?

Our decision to prioritize listing $CATBOY on BSC over Ethereum is not a neglect of Ethereum, but a strategic move aimed at safeguarding the project's health.

After attempting a simultaneous listing on both chains with Lbank, we recognized potential issues that could arise. Working closely with our market maker, we concluded that listing on BSC first, followed by Ethereum once the price difference stabilizes, is the optimal approach.

Why is the bridge not live?

We prioritize stability. We cannot risk instability on either side of the project. Until the liquidity difference is significantly reduced, the bridge between Catboy on Ethereum and Catboy on the Binance Smart Chain will not go live. We acknowledge the importance of balanced liquidity distribution for the health and stability of both ecosystems.

To address this issue, we are actively working on various initiatives to add more liquidity to Catboy on the Binance Smart Chain. One approach involves adjusting our tokenomics, including altering taxes.

Additionally, we also manually injected 125 BNB into the liquidity pool to bolster the available liquidity and narrow the gap between Catboy on Ethereum and BSC.

Why is there a price difference between eth & bsc?

The disparity between Catboy on Ethereum and Catboy on BSC stems from our initial launch strategy. We prioritized bolstering liquidity on Ethereum upon launch, resulting in a variance in token value between the two networks. As we progress, our goal is to work towards stabilizing the price across both Ethereum and BSC networks. However, it's important to note that some variance may persist due to the inherent differences in liquidity and market dynamics between the two platforms.


Ensure You Have Sufficient Gas Fees Otherwise, an internal JSON-RPC error may occur. To resolve an error caused by insufficient native tokens for gas fees, transfer additional native tokens for the network you're engaged with to your wallet, then process the transaction again. - increase gasfees

Token Staking
  • The amount of $Catboy tokens can be staked without decimales. Ex.: 50000 not 50000,124

  • Once in the staking pool, you can not claim them before the period ends. Only eth staking pool can be unstaked with a penalty fee.

NFT Staking

Claim: You can claim your rewards after 7 days.

Sora BOT

Why Sora?

Telegram communities often grapple with spam issues, and Sora was developed to combat these challenges effectively. Sora seamlessly integrates with Telegram's Bot API, providing a powerful solution to tackle spam without the need for additional complex Telegram apps. Adding Sora to your group is all it takes to leverage her assistance.

Who operates Sora? Catboy Crypto Project.

How old is Sora? Sora was initially launched in december 7th 2023.

Is Sora an official Telegram project? No, Sora isn't officially endorsed by Telegram. However, it can change in the future!

How is Sora monetized? By a subscription plan. More details will be shared later.

Can I host my own Waifu Sora bot? Yes! With enhanced customizations and features not available in the free version due to performance constraints. This service would be subscription-based. The free version will be available to use in other Telegram groups soon.

I Cant See My Season 1 NFTs

Season 1 Collection holders. If you've faced issues viewing your NFTs in the inventory, don't worry we've addressed the issue.

Visit our new page in the dapp to withdraw your NFTs, and they'll promptly appear in your inventory.

• Simply go to: dapp.catboy.io/recover • reconnect your wallet (BSC network) • Click "Withdraw" • You will be able to view your NFTs in your inventory now.


Explanation: Do let’s say there is 1M tokens for a month that gets divided by 100 NFTs. And some of the NFTs have multiplier 2x. That means that the total rewards don’t get divided by the number of NFTs but by the number of the total multiplier, for example 150. So if you have an NFT with multiplier 2x you basically get double the rewards than Someone with multiplier 1x


If I want to transfer from trust wallet to MEXC exchange do I need to pay for tax? No, 0% tax

Echanges have 0% Tax

Last updated