Earn a passive income with Catboy!
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Earn a passive income with Catboy!
Last updated
Holders can generate extra income with staking rewards by staking their coins
Staking is when you lock crypto assets for a set period of time to help support the project of a blockchain. In return for staking your crypto, you earn more cryptocurrency!
Each month (Every 30 days) our staking pool will be refilled. As more users participate, the available rewards become distributed among a larger number of stakers. Consequently, if you stake later in the month, you may receive a lower return on your investment due to the diminishing pool size. By the end of the month, you might earn less than usual due to the limited amount left in the staking pool, which is being distributed among multiple stakers.
DApp Adjustments: Once the staking pool reaches its capacity or is refilled, the dApp implements backend adjustments to ensure proper functionality. Users may observe anomalies in the displayed numbers, such as a return of 0 or other unexpected values. However, these changes are part of a normal operational process.
Even when odd numbers are displayed, the dApp continues to function effectively in the background. It ensures that all transactions, staking activities, and reward distributions are processed as intended. Over time, these displayed values will adjust, reflecting the actual state of the staking pool.
What happens if the staking pool fills?
Once filled, the dApp will manage the allocation of rewards dynamically, but you may see unusual numbers temporarily first.
How can I maximize my rewards?
Consider staking earlier in the month to take advantage of a less crowded pool.
Will my staked assets be safe?
Yes, the dApp is designed to handle all transactions securely, even during operational adjustments.
For further inquiries, feel free to reach out to our support team. Happy staking!